Missoula Truck Accident Lawyer

A fully loaded tractor-trailer can outweigh the average commuter car by a factor of 20 to one on top of being multiple times longer, taller, and sometimes even wider than those smaller vehicles as well. Put simply, that amount of mass hitting anything is almost guaranteed to cause catastrophic harm, which means it is especially important for commercial truck drivers to act responsibly behind the wheel.

However, not all truckers and trucking companies are as careful as they should be—and even worse, filing suit over injuries you sustained in this sort of wreck can be extremely difficult without a skilled personal injury attorney’s support. Fortunately, the help you need is available from one of our tenacious Missoula truck accident lawyers with the legal knowledge and experience necessary to fight effectively on your behalf.

Are Trucking Companies Liable for Truck Driver Negligence?

Commercial truck drivers can be liable for the consequences of any traffic accident they cause by breaking a traffic law, driving while drunk or distracted, or acting carelessly behind the wheel in violation of the “duty of care” they owe other drivers. However, individual truckers rarely have enough personal assets to pay for medical expenses, lost working ability, physical and psychological suffering, and various other losses they may cause someone else to suffer in a wreck.

Fortunately, it is often possible to hold trucking companies “vicariously liable” for the negligence of one of their employees or directly liable for failing to properly screen and train drivers before hiring them. Depending on the circumstances, one of our Missoula attorneys may also be able to help pursue action against other third parties whose misconduct contributed to causing a truck crash. Some examples of third parties could be a mechanic who failed to keep a truck in safe working order or a manufacturer who produced and sold defective truck components.

Taking Legal Action Within Filing Deadlines

Even if someone suffers life-altering and irreversible harm from a truck crash, they have a limited amount of time under state law to file suit over that crash. In most situations, the applicable filing deadline for this sort of lawsuit is three years after the date on which the accident occurred or on which the injured person discovered that they were hurt because of the accident.

That said, there are a few exceptions to this rule under very specific circumstances, which a truck accident lawyer in Missoula could explain in more detail if applicable. For example, if the proposed “defendant” leaves the state before any legal proceedings begin against them, the statutory filing period can be paused until the defendant reenters Montana.

Get in Touch With a Missoula Truck Accident Attorney Today

Getting in a collision with a tractor-trailer is one of the most frightening and dangerous experiences anyone can have on a public road. Despite that, courts will not automatically side with an injured person filing suit over this type of crash. Therefore, if you want to obtain your desired recovery for your damages, you must build a strong civil claim against the other party.

Having one of our dependable Missoula truck accident lawyers on your side throughout this process can make a world of difference in what outcome your case has and what compensation you ultimately receive. Call us today for a consultation.