Texting while driving car accidents in Missoula are a direct result of highly reckless and dangerous behavior, making them one of the most substantial causes of life-threatening or fatal collisions nationwide. While anything that diverts attention from operating a vehicle safely places the motorist and others traveling nearby at increased risk, texting is responsible for some of the most severe crashes each year.
That is due to the hazardous action requiring drivers to take their eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, and mind off of vehicle and road safety. Contact a qualified car accident attorney if you need help after a negligent driver caused an accident while texting.
Four types of distractions commonly distract drivers, leading to collisions, and they include:
Texting while driving accidents in Missoula often result from visual distractions, the most typical and obvious type of hazardous motorist behavior, as they take a driver’s eyes off the road. Some examples include checking cell phones, looking for something in the car, or at billboards. Shifting eyes from the road, even for a second or two, can have catastrophic consequences.
Manual distractions require the individual to remove their hand or both hands from the steering wheel to complete another task. They include adjusting the temperature or radio station, reaching for items in the backseat, or eating food while operating vehicles.
Auditory distractions are sounds and noises that distract the motorist from operating the vehicle safely. These include loud music, passengers, and anything that could prevent the motorist from hearing vital noises, such as first-responder vehicle sirens.
Cognitive distractions are anything that causes the driver’s mind to wander, taking their attention away from driving the car safely. Examples include daydreaming, stress from work, and talking on the phone. A lawyer skilled in handling civil claims for car wrecks caused by texting while driving in Missoula can build a strong case and fight for fair compensation.
The recoverable damages for crashes caused by texting drivers depend on the case specifics. The civil court will consider the victim’s injuries, how the disability will continue affecting them, and the defendant’s actions.
Some examples include:
They may also award damages for non-monetary losses, such as permanent disabilities, trauma and emotional distress, and pain and suffering after a texting while driving car crash in Missoula.
Distracted driving, including texting while operating a vehicle, has been a leading cause of car crashes nationwide for the past decade. This dangerous behavior endangers motorists, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians, increasing the risk of severe or fatal injuries. According to data from the Montana Department of Transportation, texting drivers cause thousands of fatal accidents in the state each year.
While many actions cause driver distractions, texting while driving results in as many fatal collisions as drunk driving. This is because it involves manual, visual, and cognitive distractions simultaneously. A lawyer experienced in Missoula texting while driving cases can provide guidance on the claims process during a consultation.
Accidents caused by motorist distractions continue to increase, and that is particularly true for texting. Texting is reckless driver behavior that puts the driver, passengers, and everyone near them on the roadway at high risk of sustaining severe harm in crashes.
Sadly, texting while driving accidents in Missoula are entirely avoidable. If a negligent motorist caused you harm in an accident while texting, you have the right to hold them legally and financially responsible. Meet with one of our seasoned lawyers for help after an accident. Call today to schedule an appointment and free case review.